General and Digestive Surgery


Procedure Branch of medicine that covers diagnosis, control, follow-up and mainly surgical treatments of the skin such as warts, ulcers, non-healing wounds; the neck such as thyroid conditions, neck infections, traumatic injuries, respiratory fistulas; the thorax such as rib fractures, pneumothorax, hemothorax, pulmonary effusions; the breast such as tumors, infections and breast cancer.

Odontology (DENTAL)


The field of dental medicine is wide and where there are several diseases to treat different oral ailments, including: teeth, gums, periodontal tissue, among others. As well as various specialties that allow us to provide a more comprehensive dental care ….

Family Medicine


Family medicine, commonly known as the family doctor, is the discipline in charge of helping and procuring the good health of people. It is dedicated to give a wide, close, continuous and integral response to the health problems of adults and children together with their families, considering the bio-medical, psychological, social or spiritual aspects to deliver a diagnosis. The family physician attends to all.